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Glenside Youth Athletic Club

Glenside Youth Athletic Club

Volunteer Fee

GYAC runs on volunteer spirit. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to volunteer to participate as coaches.  There is no prior coaching experience required. Coaches receive hats and t-shirts, as well as a work bond, which is a $40 registration refund.  Plus the rewarding experience of participating in their children's lives in a very meaningful way! Consider signing up when you register your child on Sports Connect.  

Volunteer clearances required.

Volunteer Fee

GYAC has a volunteer fee program similar to what most other local organizations have adopted to help aid in the coordination of their youth programs. We are asking each baseball and softball family to assist us by volunteering their time in the form of volunteer shifts to help with either field preparations, running of our snack bar, or during one of our special events throughout the season (Opening Day, Phillies Homerun Derby, Closing Day or District Tournament). Head coaches for our respective teams will automatically have their volunteer fee reimbursed.

We provide numerous opportunities to volunteer throughout the season so that each family can determine the best time and manner for their contribution to our program. The volunteer fee will be refunded in a timely manner throughout the season. In order to provide the best overall experience this season and keep our registration fees as low as possible (no change from last year) we need everyone’s participation to make this coming season a success.

Any questions about the volunteer fee program should be sent to [email protected]

See below for Frequently Asked Questions about the volunteer fee.

Q: Why does GYAC have a volunteer fee?

A: As an organization GYAC was founded and is run by a group of dedicated volunteers. In order for our
respective baseball and softball seasons to be a success we count on the support and volunteerism efforts
of the many families that comprise our program. Due to past challenges in getting the necessary support
needed to run our programs and special events throughout the season GYAC similarly to many other local
organizations, implemented the volunteer fee (formerly ‘work bond’) in 2014 and have seen participation
levels by families decidedly improve since that time
Q: How often do I need to volunteer to have my volunteer fee refunded?

A: For 2023 we are asking all baseball families to perform 2 shifts of volunteerism throughout the season
due to our field maintenance needs at our Glenside Weldon, SPS and Renninger fields. We also provide a
Snack Bar at our Glenside Weldon fields throughout the season for families. Please Note - if you have a
son only playing in the M-League or a daughter only participating in our softball program we ask you at
least perform 1 shift throughout the season.

Q: What options do I have in terms of volunteering?

A: To provide as much flexibility as possible to allow you to volunteer when and how you would like, we
provide numerous opportunities throughout the season for you to choose what works best for your
schedule and interest. Options for volunteering could include, but are not limited to:

Assisting with our field clean-up day prior to the season
Volunteering to assist in the many needed roles during our Opening Day (April), Phillies Home Run
Derby (May) or Closing Day (June) festivities.
Working a shift at the GYAC Snack Bar at a time of your choosing
Helping get fields ready prior to our games throughout the season
Serving as a head coach for one of our many teams
Assisting us during our hosting of neighboring teams during our Cal Ripken District Tournament
Other options can also be submitted to our Volunteer Fee Committee for consideration

Please note that we utilize a Sign-Up Genius system for tracking of many of these tasks, so be on the
lookout for opportunities as we draw closer to the season.

Q: When will my volunteer fee be refunded?

A: As a change in 2023 we will be refunding volunteer fees throughout the season, meaning that the
sooner you complete your volunteerism the sooner your refund will be submitted for payment. We will
send a reimbursement check in the mail to the parent’s name and address submitted at the time of
registration. Our plan is to provide refunds on a weekly basis in April, followed by a bi-weekly basis for the
remainder of the season.

Q: If I have additional questions who can I contact?

A: Any additional questions can be sent to [email protected]

Thank you to everyone in advance for your help in volunteering to make this a great 2023 GYAC Baseball & Softball Season.

Contact us

Glenside Youth Athletic Club

Email: [email protected]

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