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Glenside Youth Athletic Club

Glenside Youth Athletic Club


Softball Program

Age is determined by a child’s age on January 1. Age groups span 2 birth years. Girls are permitted to play up but must be approved by GYAC after a player evaluation to ensure safety of the child.

Softball teams generally meet 2-3 times per week.  If there are bad days of the week for your daughter, please make a note on your registration in the coach and player request section of the registration.  

Helmets are provided at all age levels.  If you decide to buy a helmet for your daughter, it must have a face guard to be used in games.  
The 8U and 10U girls play with an 11 inch ball and the 15U & 12U play with a 12 inch ball.

Spring Softball
Registration January to early-March.  Register early to have access to preseason clinics.

Quickball (
Ages 4-6) - An Alternative to tee ball. Please see the description under Baseball.

Tee ball  (progresses to coach pitch) (Ages 4-6)
– Tee Ball is a child’s introduction to the game of softball. As the girls are ready, coaches will begin to pitch and the tee will still be used if a player has difficulty hitting a pitched ball.  The primary focus is on teaching fundamentals, and keeping the game fun for the children involved. Every child will be permitted to play every position, and every child will bat in every inning. Teams will be created so as to attempt to honor every request to play with friends. There is no score kept and absolutely no focus on winning and losing. Parents and coaches should realize that the focus at this level should be from a fun and social perspective and not a competition. Teams should expect to be scheduled for one practice per week and one game per week.

8U – Pitching Machine (Ages 7-8) – The Girls 7-8 year old program is the first step on the bridge between Tee Ball and competitive softball. The focus shall be on teaching fundamentals and developing an appreciation for the game of softball. A pitching machine will be used to ensure consistent pitching for all girls. Score will not be kept officially; however, many of the girls playing will attempt to keep score as the natural focus on the competition increases. Girls will be taught multiple positions, but should not expect to play every position as they did in tee bal.  Positions played will be up to the discretion of the coach. Every girl should expect to receive a reasonable amount of playing time.  Requests to play with friends will be honored unless there is a significant imbalance among the skill levels of the teams. Girls can expect to begin the season meeting twice per week, but as games begin, the coach may find it necessary to schedule additional practice time. An end of season tournament and all star game are new additions to the program starting in 2017!

10U – Kid Pitch(Ages 9-10) – The focus of the Girls 9-10 program will continue to be on instruction and fundamentals. Girls will pitch to each other for the first time and pitching clinics will be offered. There are no walks during games, instead, a coach will pitch if a batter gets 4 balls.  This allows the hitters a chance to hit, keeping them and the fielders involved and does not demoralize a new pitcher. Score will be kept as the shift towards competition and winning continues. However, GYAC does not support a ‘win at all cost’ mentality. Girls can expect to receive a reasonable amount of playing time, however playing time may not always be 100% equal. The coach will determine playing time based on multiple factors including the girls safety, ability, desire and commitment to play. Girls and parents can request to play certain positions, but the final decision on positions played will be up to the discretion of the coach. Requests to play with friends will be considered, but may not always be fulfilled to ensure competitive balance among teams. Girls can expect to begin the season meeting twice per week, but as games begin, the coach may find it necessary to schedule additional practice time. Teams participate a league comprised of other local teams and will travel to neighboring communities for games (all within 20 minutes).

12U (Ages 11-12) – Instruction and fundamentals will continue to be an integral part of the program, but the competition level continues to increase especially since stealing bases begins at this level. Girls should not expect to be able to try different positions during game play. Practices will be held regularly and should be used for skills training. Girls can expect to begin the season meeting twice per week, but as games begin, the coach may find it necessary to schedule additional practice time. All girls can expect to play during games, but some girls may not be able to play their desired position based on the situation of the game. The roster size shall be fixed, and GYAC will attempt to place all girls not selected for the program on neighboring teams. Teams participate in the Inter-Community Girls Softball League (ICGSL). Travel players may still play, but can only pitch up 2 innings per game. Teams will travel to neighboring communities for games (all within 20 minutes).  There is no league rule specifying playing time, but GYAC’s philosophy is that every girl will play in every game.

15U –  Teams will play in the Inter-Community Girls Softball League (ICGSL), which prohibits travel players from pitching more than 2 innings per game.  There is no league rule specifying playing time, but GYAC’s philosophy is that every girl will play in every game.

Softball Philosophy

The Glenside Youth Athletic Club (GYAC) Softball Program’s primary objective is to “implant firmly in the youth of the community the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect for authority, so that they may be well adjusted, stronger and happier children and will grow to be decent, healthy and trustworthy adults.”

  • GYAC Softball is a recreational youth sports program to be enjoyed by all players in the program.
  • Each child who wishes to play ball should be entitled to do so regardless of skill, gender, or financial circumstances.
  • Through involvement in GYAC, the player will have the opportunity to develop the fundamental skills of the game of softball, learn sportsmanship, socialize with their peers, develop leadership qualities and actively participate as a valuable team member.
  • Team achievement, in contrast to individual achievement, must ensure that personal identity and integrity are not sacrificed for winning.
  • Praise and recognition are the most effective tools in inspiring an attitude of self-confidence which is key to development of the character of the individual.
  • Good sportsmanship and courtesy are necessary for a harmonious and safe environment.
  • The league personnel, parents, and all participants share the responsibility of making GYAC a safe and wholesome activity.
  • All players should leave the field feeling that their presence mattered, even if time was spent on the bench.
  • The competitiveness of the game increases as the player advances through GYAC softball, from Tee-Ball, with the least competitiveness, to the highest level of GYAC softball where the competitive drive is at a very high level. At no time in the program should an individual's self-esteem be sacrificed for a competitive advantage.

Softball ages can be determined by the following birth year chart for the 2019 season:

Contact us

Glenside Youth Athletic Club

Email: [email protected]

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